While often considered a relaxing hobby, fishing enthusiasts are well aware of how serious a pastime fishing can be. Hobbyists are willing to sit for hours at a time, waiting for their perfect catch to come along. However, it's not all luck. Many fishermen have an arsenal of helpful accessories on deck to help them nab the big catches they’ve been searching for. If you’ve recently picked up fishing as a hobby and are struggling to catch the fish of your dreams, we recommend reading through our article below for a list of helpful fishing accessories for your next trip out on the water.

Rod Holder 

If you don’t already have a rod holder on your fishing boat, you’ll want to hurry out to the store to buy one! Often considered one of the most helpful accessories a fisherman can have, these amazing tools allow you to safely store your expensive rods just nearby, and can help you to fish more efficiently. Even better, you can purchase various attachments for your rod holder to turn it into a convenient table, barbeque grill, drink holder, and even a bar.

Baitwell or Livewell

If you’re looking to catch some pretty big fish, a livewell or baitwell may just be the perfect accessory for you. Large fish often snack on larger prey and respond more readily to live bait. With a livewell or baitwell on hand, you can keep your bait alive and kicking for as long as you need, and use it to store the fish you’ve already caught so they’re nice and fresh when you return to shore. 

Depth Finders or Fish Finders

While many get these two devices confused, depth finders and fish finders are in fact very different tools. As the name implies, fish finders are only for finding fish, and will give you their exact locations in the water below. Depth finders on the other hand will tell you more about the water’s environment, including: bottom topography, water temperature, depth, and the general presence of fish—although not their exact locations. While not required for fishing in fresh or saltwater, if you’re serious about getting a big catch, either of these machines can prove to be incredibly helpful. 

Looking for helpful accessories for your fishing boat? If you’re located nearby in Minneapolis or St. Cloud, you’ll want to visit our convenient location here in Nisswa, Minnesota! Here at Nisswa Marine, we offer a wide variety of helpful boat parts and accessories, as well as a convenient service center to help you install any of your new equipment.